Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Everett's Top Five

So my little man hasn't been feeling all too well the past couple days.  Slight fever, super tired, not very hungry, and just not himself.  Therefore we've been doing a lot of quieter activities (aka reading!) while he gets better.

This prompted me to share a round of Ev's top five books since it's been a little while since he's picked :)

1. Colors (Sophie la girafe Series) by Dawn Sirett
We bought Ev this book quite a while ago.  He absolutely loved it when we first got it, but then took a break from it.  About a week or so ago he found it on one of his bookshelves and can't get enough of it!  It's a great book for little ones learning colors, first words and animals.

2. Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 by Bill Martin Jr.
We're huge fans of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! around here, so were pretty excited when we saw there's a number version.  The "story" isn't quite as cute as the original, but Everett loves it.  Since we're working on teaching him numbers to 100, it's a great book for him right now!  It counts 1-20 individually and then by 10's to 100.

3. Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin
We own the slide-and-find version of this book and Everett loves to slide the door to see the next animal.  This book features endangered species, which he's too young to understand right now, but someday that will make for a great learning tool too.  For right now we've read it so many times that he has the animals memorized!

4. Duck and Goose, It's Time for Christmas! by Tad Hills
Duck and Goose are obviously a favorite of Ev's, and their holiday book is no exception.  I pulled it out this past week so he could fall in love with it just like last year :)  Duck and Goose are trying to figure out what time it is "time for snow angels? sledding?"... it's time for Christmas!  

5. Mr. Brown Can Moo by Dr. Seuss
This is a super cute book for learning sounds.  Everett enjoys tick-tocking like a clock and hooting like an owl as we turn pages.  We have the board book version which is shorter than the original, but works well for Everett's age.  For older kids, the hardcover version has more words and sounds :)

I cannot wait to really introduce all of our holiday books (we have quite a few stashed to give Ev throughout the holiday season... great after holiday sales last year mean lots of fun new books this year!)!  Have you and your little ones discovered any new favorites?  

I hope everyone is staying warm in the chilly weather we suddenly have!  Stay warm with cocoa, a blanket and a good book :)  Happy Reading!

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Fragile World by Paula Treick DeBoard Review

I am so glad that I randomly stumbled upon Paula Treick DeBoard's book The Mourning Hours last year, because now I know I will look forward to every one of her upcoming books :)

Her newest title The Fragile World released just over a week ago, and I could not wait to pick up a copy.  The Fragile World is the story of the Kaufman family, a happy family of four living in California.  The oldest child, Daniel, is a musical prodigy, talented, smart and beyond likable. Daniel's younger sister, Olivia, although slightly feeling she is living in his shadow, adores him and cannot blame everyone else for loving Daniel as much as they do.  When Daniel suddenly dies in a freak accident, the Kaufmans all experience grief in different ways, and the toll it takes on their family is immense.  Not only does Olivia become anxiety ridden and keep fear journals containing the millions of things that have potential to hurt her or the ones she loves, but her parents are forced to reevaluate their relationship as well.

Let me start by saying, Paula Treick DeBoard can write.  She develops her characters with startlingly real thoughts and emotions, forcing readers to question how they would react if they were in each of these character's shoes.  The book alternates between narrators from Olivia to Curtis, her father, which creates an interesting dynamic... getting the perspective of a troubled 16-year-old and her physics teacher father.  The two of them embark on a cross-country road trip, Curtis with a "plan" and Olivia struggling through her fears, but along for the ride.  As Curtis's plan unravels, their story becomes more dramatic and page-turning (I was up way past my bed time because I had to find out what happens next!).  What these characters go through, the moments, and memories Paula creates for them will change them forever.

I cannot wait to share this book with friends and family, and cannot think of anyone who would not enjoy The Fragile World.  It will pull at your heart-strings and remind you to be grateful for every second you have with those you love.  Thank you Paula Treick DeBoard for writing another incredible novel... if only I didn't have to wait another year for your next release!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Bye-Bye Halloween... Onto Thanksgiving and the Holidays!

I haven't taken a lot of time to read lately... since my husband and I both work in the retail world, we know that November through the beginning of January is pretty much one huge blur with not many days off as a family.  So, October is really a big family-time month for us.  
Me and my little pumpkin ready to Trick-or-Treat!

We had a wonderful Halloween (despite the cold weather) that included a trip to the bookstore, Trick-or-Treating and Everett's first viewing of Hocus Pocus (which he actually watched the majority of!).  We are still reading Halloween books to Everett since he loves them, but I also pulled out Five Silly Turkeys to add to the mix.  Slowly the Halloween books will be replaced with Christmas books!!! :)  I can't wait to share our Christmas favorites... but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves!

I did manage to finish the audio of Louise Penny's A Fatal Grace which is the second book in her Armand Gamache Series.  I liked it just as much as the first :)  The audiobooks are great, and the mysteries have such unique characters that it's easy to get lost in the world of Three Pines.  If you're a mystery reader and haven't discovered Louise Penny yet, be sure to pick up her books!

Now I need a new audiobook for the car.  I might do the third in the Gamache series or pick up the third in the Jim Butcher Dresden Files... however, I'm always up for suggestions.  I even thought about checking out all of the Harry Potter audiobooks from the library and listening to those again... 

What have you been reading or listening to?  Anything you're putting on your Christmas list already?  Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday and is finding some relaxing reading time tonight!  Happy Reading :)