Thursday, September 4, 2014

Taylor Jenkins Reid

I love discovering new authors.  There's something so exciting about hearing a fresh, new voice.  I had been hearing rumblings on social media about an author named Taylor Jenkins Reid, and after seeing her name posted on several pages I follow, I figured I better check her out!

Her first book, Forever, Interrupted, was what I had planned on reading, but I ended up finding a copy of her new book, After I Do, for a really good deal, so I started with that.  I read it in a matter of days... I didn't want to put it down!  Taylor writes with such honesty and heart... she writes true love stories.  It's not a story of perfect, magical love, but a story of what happens when love is no longer in that new, everything-is-perfect stage.  A story of when love has become expected and routine rather than being cherished and exciting.

My Goodreads review ended up being: 

5 of 5 Stars

I found out about Taylor Jenkins Reid through social media. All of a sudden a bunch of people were discussing her books and how amazing they are. I found a copy of "After I Do," and picked it up to give it a try. I breezed through it, and the night I finished it, I went online and ordered a copy of her first book "Forever, Interrupted." In other words... I'm a fan of Taylor Jenkins Reid.
"After I Do" is about couple, Lauren and Ryan, who have been together for eleven years (married for six) and are realizing that they actually cannot stand to be around each other anymore. They don't enjoy each other's company, don't talk about things, and have lost any spark their relationship once had.  After discussing some options of possible solutions, they decide to take a year-long break; no seeing each other, talking, emailing, texting, etc. Then after that year they will meet again and figure out how they feel. I was a little leery of the subject matter... I mean this couple decides after 11 years together to basically allow each other to be single for a year... they can have relationships with other people... do whatever they want. But I loved the way Taylor Jenkins Reid wrote their story. She made it real.
The novel is told from Lauren's perspective, and the feelings she goes through during this year... the highs, the lows, the jealousy, and ultimately the ability to discover herself and what she wants from her life are so honest. This book will make you laugh, and yes, make you cry. I think anyone looking for a realistic take on love should check this book out.

In other words, I cannot wait to dive into "Forever, Interrupted."  

Who are some authors that you have recently "discovered"?  

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