Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween Eve!

I can't believe tomorrow is Halloween!!  This past week has been so busy, but tomorrow the boys and I are all home and will celebrate in style (despite the 20 degree weather that's being predicted... eww).  We haven't cemented anything in stone, but tomorrow will more than likely include bribing Everett into wearing his pumpkin costume, taking him to visit family and possibly a couple doors for trick-or-treating, coming home to hand out candy to our neighborhood trick-or-treaters, Halloween books before bed, and finally my husband and I watching Hocus Pocus eating the leftover candy and/or popcorn (I am obsessed with the movie Hocus Pocus, and my husband loves me so he tolerates it each year :)).  

As for Everett's Halloween treats... since Ev's still so young, we don't really give him candy.  He'll probably get a couple bites of chocolate, but other than that, Eric and I have gotten him some candy alternatives.  He got the book Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson about a week or so ago (that way he can enjoy it for longer than a night) and he absolutely loves it!  I thought the story might be a bit long for his attention span, but he sits through it every time.  He also got adorable Halloween pjs (okay two pairs skeleton & mummy themed) and some shirts that he's been wearing all month.  Tomorrow we'll top off his Halloween with a trip to the bookstore for a new book of his choice and a pumpkin cookie from Panera (his favorite treat!).

For me, I told myself I was going to attempt to read a couple spooky things this October, but after The Bird Box, I moved onto other books I've had on my to-read list that are not going to keep me up all night.  This past week was a HUGE new release Tuesday in my book.  Two of my favorite authors had books come out... 

1. My Patrick Rothfuss countdown finally commenced with the release of The Slow Regard of Silent Things.  A novella all about the character Auri... my favorite character from his Kingkiller Chronicles Series.  Patrick has also been posting about his upcoming Worldbuilders fundraiser, so be sure to check out the posts about his new novella and this event on his blog.

2. Paula Treick DeBoard's The Fragile World has also finally come out!  I read Paula's debut novel The Mourning Hours when it released in June of 2013 and knew I would read every book she wrote thereafter.  She's an amazing writer, and The Fragile World is no exception! I won't spoil anything review-wise until I'm completely done with the book, but don't worry, more details on how much I was blown away by this book soon!

Last Friday, Wisconsin author, Valerie Biel, also released her first novel into the world, Circle of Nine: Beltany, which I am reading and enjoying.  Circle of Nine: Beltany is a YA novel which incorporates Celtic lore into a modern teenager's life. I absolutely love books that include this kind of history, so when I saw the premise of this title, I had to read it!  Valerie will also be part of a really exciting event taking place at Barnes & Noble Appleton on December 14th.  Details to come on this event as well... but trust me if you're a YA lover, jot that date down and keep your afternoon (starting around 1:00) open :)

What are some of the books you have all been reading lately?  Any fun Halloween traditions  your family has every year?  I love hearing from you :)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone and Happy Reading!! :)

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